I don't think of myself as a musician, but in 2021 I wrote, recorded, and posted a song a week for fifty-two straight weeks. They ranged all over, from a sad/serious song about a friend who'd died, to one about the time I'd punched myself in the testicles.

At the end of the year I applied for a North Carolina Arts Commission Regional Artist Project grant to take one of my songs into the studio. So here's "Dirt Falls In," recorded at The Wave Lab in Rock Hill with the inestimable Joe Miller (and friends): 

My Year-of-Songs also allowed me to connect with some really cool, talented musicians around the world. Here's the fifty-second and final song from the song-a-week-for-a-year project, with the uber-talented William Ax. 

William is from Brazil, grew up in Ireland, and now lives in Portugal. 

He and I met in a song-a-week subreddit and collaborated on two songs, including the possibly-even-more-depressing "Almost Beautiful."

After the Song-a-Week thing I started playing with a couple buddies, the inestimable John Doll and Andrew Rogers.  Eventually, we'd practiced enough that we figured we'd go in to Joe's studio and lay down a few tracks. Here's my favorite, "I Could Change The World."

I'd also written several dozen songs before I did my Song-a-Week project.

Some were a bit silly (like THIS RIDICULOUS METH-COOKING REDNECK ONE), and some were more serious... including an album that I live-stream-Facebook-recorded at a friend's studio (HERE'S THE LINK of the performance), then posted to Bandcamp as, "Under Our Own Piece of Sky." 

As of today, there's been no massive rush to propel me to the world of nationally-televised stadium shows. But as long as I'm still having fun with it, I'll keep playing and posting to MY BANDCAMP

Thanks so much for listening!


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