I've heard that the day after the Olympics, a whole lot of the Olympicans go on these massive depression-benders. They've spent so long preparing that when it's over, they can't quite cope.
LOCKER 212 wrapped last night.
But even though (as far as my role goes) it's the end of months and months of preparation, I was pretty sure I hadn't any post-Olympican depression in store. The antidote for goal-attainment is new goals, after all, and I've not only got four other short films in various stages of pre-production with different directors, I'm also halfway through what I believe is the best feature-length script I've yet to write. There's also this Arts-Conference thing I'm attending in a few weeks, I've got some material I'm reading/commenting on for some film-maker friends, and of course there's my wee human man-grublet to care for. In the words of Prince Humperdink, "I'm swamped."
And yet...
And yet today in the mail I got yet another rejection for yet another short story from yet another unattainable magazine, and I find myself thinking exactly these words: "I suck. I'm not a good writer at all. I'll never write anything that really gets out there and makes a difference. I'll never be able to do this for a living. I'm kidding myself and I'm stupid and, oh yeah, I'm kind of a runt with nasty lower teeth."
Despondent feelings aside, though, I'm extremely grateful to have had this opportunity. There were so many wonderfully creative people who brought their talents and abilities to the project, making it something far more than I could ever dream of doing on my own.
Recognized or not... professional or not... it is an absolute
priviledge to be able to live this life of mine as a Maker of films. I'm thrilled that we got to do it, and I'm eager for the day when LOCKER 212 is complete and I can share it with you all via the interwebs.
For now, here are a few more shots from the last couple days of shooting. If you'd like to see more of my production stills, feel free to mosey on over to the
LOCKER 212 facebook page.
Preparing for the chair-throw. |
Nick Searcy and Matt-the-Director ham it up. |
Matt gives some notes. |
Working on the fight scene with Cal, the premier stunt coordinator for film and television in the Southeast. |
Feet! |
Some of our Dream Team. |
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