
I think I already mentioned that the short film Fork, which I wrote and helped produce, is out doing the festival rounds and has been accepted into the Charlotte Film Festival that's coming up next month. I'm pleased to add, however, that Brett Gentile - who plays the role of "The Brute" - has been nominated for Best Actor. This pits him against actors in the feature-lengths so I don't know how it'll turn out, but he did a phenomenal job and I wish him luck.

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Also nominated for best actor is Robert C. Treveiler, for his role in Unemployment, which I also helped to produce. Unemployment is up for Best Short Film, so we're all holding our breaths and hoping for some award-love to give us a little added attention and chutzpah as we head into pre-production of the next short film I wrote, called Vaudeville, that we'll be shooting in the Spring.


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