Latest 8" X 10"


  1. This is wonderful form. What media has been used?

  2. This is acrylic with toilet paper :) Or would you say "bog" in Australia? I don't know.

  3. Maybe this is taboo, but can you record your painting process, then make a small video in fast forward? I'm really interested.

  4. It's a good idea in theory, Chrystal, but these little paintings I'm doing in the short snatches of time I get when my classes are busily working away at their own stuff. So as fun as it would be to do a stop motion, I'm too stop-and-go to make that happen right now. Maybe this summer.

    The short story, for this painting, is that I used the renaissance "grayscale on a neutral underpainting" technique, with lots of random color experimentation on the negative spaces (and toilet paper), and some modernist color theory in the mix for "surprise color" push-pull effects.


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